It’s been quite a long time since I’ve come around these parts the Internet. I can honestly say that so much has happened in the past two and a half years since my last blog post. One of the biggest things for me personally is that I am now a registered nurse. Hallelujah!!! It’s hard to describe hold of the emotions that occurred while going through nursing school. It was so challenging and demanding; brought out the best and worst in me; I’ve made lifelong friends in it, and through the power of prayer and support of friends and family I I made it through with the great understanding of what kind of nurse that I want to be and A thankfulness for how faithful God is. This is literally one of my biggest dreams come true. I’ve had my license for over year now and I still feel like I need to pinch myself every day because of how honored I feel to be a nurse.
Without going into all the details, during the hardest semester of nursing school some big family changes happened in my immediate family. Let me tell you, if you think life will pause when you’re going through one of the greatest endeavors of your life (in my case nursing school) then you need to be reminded that there are no guarantees in life and that it can simply be straight up hard as hell. In all truthfulness I’m still processing it, I’m still in a huge transition period (so is my family) and understanding family dynamics. Over seven years ago a major event happen in my family as well tonight did a lot of therapy to process in a healthy way. I thought I was through with dealing with all that family relational mess, but I guess those things never really fully resolves and require me to seek healthy, professional guidance and wisdom; fun stuff. That old saying must be true... “nothing worthwhile is ever easy”.
I am altering a big transition because I was living in Riverside for the last 2 1/2 years and I recently moved down to orange county last month. This me sounds a little dramatic but there’s truth in it so I’ll still say it. Even though I move back to my hometown there’s so much that has changed and I do feel like I am in no way starting over. Starting over making new community, finding a new church, new apartment, new roommate and relatively new job...and and jobs are a whole other thing to update about! A gut wrenching thing for me (I promise I'm not being dramatic) was finding a job as a new nurse; and then due to circumstances out of my own control, I lost a job at a hospital where I was working at a pediatric unit at a county hospital. Management can be a real hit or miss when it comes to nursing, that's all I'll say. Anyway, I'm now a school nurse for 8 schools in a district in Orange County and I'm really loving it. It's been so special and precious, and I know it's where I'm suppose to be. I'm actually also doing well in my MSN program! I'm so thankful for that. I have 4 more semesters left and I'll have my MSN! Woo hoo! I'll be the first one in my family to get a Masters degree! So amazing!
Some pretty cool things have happened though in the last two & a half years...I turned 30 (!!!) and I took myself to France to celebrate passing my nursing license exam & turning 30 withing the same month! (I go big or go home. Haha). Anyway, my next post I'll write about my travels all over France. Thanks for reading. I'm really going to try to keep up with posting regularly. xoxo