Yesterday was an amazing and jammed packed day!!! Before breakfast we assembled bags filled with bookmarks, construction paper and pens for the orphan children. Then after a delicious breakfast we headed off to the Rockharbor Orphan School. We had such a welcoming there with the kids showering us with flowers and songs and dances. They are remarkable kids and we enjoyed our time with them and are looking forward to seeing them later this week too. Next to the RH Orphanage they were having an HIV/AIDS Awareness Camp where we handed out food and prayed for those with HIV/AIDS. Then we visited the Bible college and were able to speak to the students and encourage them and see their work and dedication. After that, next door was the Ashraya Building which is Telelgi for "shelter"; it's a place where women who were saved from prostitution live, work, learn a trade (which is sewing) and begin a new life. We spent time with them and spoke with them and even had some time to look at the handbags and pajamas that they make and sell for a living and to support each other. Our last stop of the afternoon was visiting the site of the new orphan school where 21 new classrooms are being made just down the street from the RH Orphange. It should be finished in about six months. It was amazing for the veterans on the team to see the progress made, as well as seeing God's provision for the building, and how everything is being built by individual hands (cement is being made by one person in bowl to lay tile, for example).Then, last night we had another outreach at a village about 50 minutes away. We even had to ask for directions to the village because it was a little difficult to find. We sang some songs, Bree and Aida gave their testimonies, had a drama skit, and Alfred gave a message. During the event the power went out, but it gave us the perfect opportunity to see the beautiful fireflies. Lots of people stood up and gave their life to Christ. The kids at the outreach and the school are so full of energy and wonder. They always ask "what is your name, sister/brother?". It was a late night but it was amazing to be used to advance the Kingdom.
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