Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy 20th Birthday Kor!

Today is my little sisters birthday. I miss her, because she's away at college. As part of her gift, I got her a Chipotle gift card...because I know that's what she loves. And because she's a college student who needs to eat! I love you Kori! I can't believe that you are 20. I remember thCheck Spellinge day you were born. Cristina, Grandma and I made peanut butter cookies and visited you in the hospital. Cristina and I were worried the doctors would her (Cristina) in the hospital because she stepped on a nail and was limping. I remember you always being moms sidekick driving us to school, and you telling us it was time to leave. Then, you started at the same school as Cristina & me. You had cute little friends and were always smiling. You loved doing cheer and gymnastics. In high school you did well and stayed with cheer, and got into you first choice of college. I'm proud of what at hard worker you are, and what a strong person you are.

she can bowl
she's goofy

She's a good mommy to Peanut :)

she brings on the dance moves

Father daughter picture...with Kori doing a cheerleader pose.

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