Sunday, July 28, 2013

More updates

Thank you all for your prayers.  My doctors don't think that my aorta has enlarged as much as they previously thought, but I am actually going to get an echocardiogram this week to be sure.  If you could be praying for that, I'd really appreciate it!  I know that God is big, miraculous and supernatural.  It is such a desire of my heart (no pun intended...kinda, haha) for a miracle to happen even this week where it would shrink.  My faith may only be a mustard seed, but it is there.  And I believe.  I want my God to show doctors and myself how big He is.
 Another prayer request that I have, if it's not too much to ask, is about school.  I've hit some roadblocks that are making things a little more difficult.  Thankfully though, they are not deterring me from actually applying to grad school at the end of the year.  It feels tough though.  I won't felt like a blow.  But not one that knocked me down for long.  My prayer would just be guidance from the Father and direction from Him.  And that He would be first, not my own plans.

Well, I will give you another update after my tests on Thursday!  I pray you all have a blessed week.

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