Monday, December 13, 2010

Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows

Do you remember that phrase? If I am honest, this is what my life has felt like the last few years. But it's funny how while you are in a rutt, you don't recognize it. I have been doing the best that I can to help others, make a living and try to get into graduate school. I've been spinning around and around moving fast and not knowing which direction was left or right or up or down. Just trying to gain momentum in any direction. It's not that I don't love babysitting by any means, or that I am not passionate about nursing. And it's not that I haven't been absolutely blessed along the way. It's just that I didn't have the proper steering. It really is about a long season of babysitting full-time coming to an ending for me. (About an 8-9 year season!) I did a lot of praying through it all, hoping that somehow a door would open and I could go into grad school.
Then, I starting working an a financial advisory firm part time thanks to my lovely and wonderful roommate. I thought it would be great to work there because babysitting had somewhat drastically slowed down and was even more unsteady; and I'm going to India and could always benefit from extra work. Then, it turned out that the firm was needing a full-time employee. My roommate then really began to advocate for me at work, and also showed me a lot of ways of how having a set schedule would allow me free evenings to study and go to school and would be such a benefit for me. A concept that seriously seemed so simple, but also seemed like such caring and wise counsel. So, because of my roommates influence and the respect she holds with our boss I was able to meet with him and he really wanted to hire me. I was ecstatic. Honestly, it seemed like a dream come true. Like it was too good to be true. But it was and is true! I am now working full-time at a financial securities office! I am learning so much about how to manage my finances wisely, and so much about the financial industry that I know is going to help me for the rest of my life. And this is such a good place for me to be in so that I can work on my own goals and aspirations in life.
With all this to say, it was so hard for me to get myself to say yes to such a good opportunity. I felt like I was abandoning the families I babysit for. Leaving them in the dust. Not to mention, I love the families and kids I sit for! But I was allowing it to be my main focus, and getting overly caught up in it. I feel like the whole journey through this for me was allowing myself to actually do something good for myself. To give myself more freedom, more room to breathe, and to also work on my dreams and what I feel God has called me to do. And to also trust God, knowing that He would provide for the families I sit for no matter what. Needless to say, working full-time has already been so absolutely beneficial to me. It's made me feel so thankful and so taken care of. And, the funny thing is that basically the day after I allowed myself to take this job and fall into doing something so worthwhile for myself I registered for classes for the Spring semester. And guess what? I am now signed up to finish a pre-req that I haven't been able to get into! It will start 2 hours after I get off of work, allowing me plenty of time to get to school and possibly finish any needed work or study. God isn't a god of coincidences, is He? He's a God of love, caring, freedom and amazing plans (for me AND YOU)!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stream of Consciousness: A Death Certificate and Why I Go

The other day, for some reason I came into contact with a death certificate. I know, I know. Seems a little dreary and morbid. Actually, with my work that I am doing it's not uncommon for me to see them. However, last week I was really struck by the fact that I was holding an "original" death certificate (because a lot of the time I just see copies). I thought, wow this is so official. And it validates a persons life. I mean, in the U.S. there are people who make a living investigating the reason that someone dies to give a cause and in a way to answer questions for the surviving friends and family and give closure. I was overwhelmed by it because I right away thought of India. How in general, peoples lives are not valued. There are different levels of worth and value in the Hindu religion, and most people's lives don't get recognized. I've been to India and literally seen one small version of a cemetery. Most of the time, if someone dies they either get cremated/burned or thrown in the river. Never to be recognized or documented. I know that part of this is due to a that I'm not use to which many cultures are more focused on each individual being part of a whole and working for the greater good. But, there had been one time when I visited I went to an elderly home that Harvest India built and a man had just died 30 minutes before we got there. People were mourning his death but also celebrating his life, and that He believed Jesus was his savior and was going to heaven.

As all these thoughts and memories were going on in my brain, I couldn't help but think that I would never want to live not knowing that I was created by someone who knows me by name and who ordained all my days and wrote them in His book "before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16). Someone who cares for me and I actually have a relationship with. A Creator who knows every hair on my head. Who cares about my heart and not meaningless sacrifices. One who lets me know He is real! Like today, I got up early (despite not wanting to) to go to a doctor who could write me an anti-malaria prescription before I go to India (because bugs are filthy things that carry lots of germs that I don't want). I tried to go to the travel clinic in Orange County, but they've been booked up for a while. In addition to the anti-malaria prescription, the doctor also suggested that I get another typhoid vaccination. I thought, sure. I'm due for it so why not. The nurse comes into the room with the injection in hand and lets me know the vaccination would be $95. I thought, "what!?!". And I just had a big red flag feeling come over me. I sought some other options and even though I'm not opposed to vaccinations, they had an oral prescription that would last for 5 years instead of 2 for the injection vaccination. I started contemplating my other options, like going just for the typhoid vaccine at the travel clinic if it was cheaper (which would be nice to save money). But looking at paying for another nurses visit and the vaccination, it didn't seem like a cheaper option. I called a few pharmacies, and there was one close by and it was $69.99...but then I remembered that a friend mentioned an on-line free discount prescription card I could get. So, I ended up paying $50 instead of the minimum $65 at the travel clinic. And I didn't have to travel 30 minutes or waste work time. It made me feel that God directed me, He was seeking the best for me, and knew what I needed. This is why I go to show people that I care for them and this is rooted from what God has shown me, done for me and instilled in me. I'm so thankful for how much He loves me! :) And He continually shows me. And I'm thankful for all the ways He continually molds my heart to be like His as I go back to India.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A roadtrip picture post :)

A (week) long awaited post about my roadtrip to Denver. I'm so proud of my friend Stephanie, for taking a leap of faith to move outside of California on her own, and begin a life as a therapist/social worker. She's already gotten so many great opportunities in Colorado. Early in the morning the day after Thanksgiving, we left for a 19 hour drive. Stephanie was excited, see.
Her car was filled to the max :)
And, while Stephanie drive I loved taking pictures with my new camera. Happiness!
We drove through Arizona...a land of beautiful mountains. The architecture of nature is just amazing, isn't it?
Then we went through New Mexico all on the 1st day. (Do you see the "Welcome to New Mexico" sign?...yeah, I wasn't quick enough with my camera once we noticed the sign)
And saw a beautiful sunset with gorgeous land around us.
After 12 hours of driving, we stayed overnight in Albuquerque. (a little guide from our hotel room)
Then, we got up the next morning to head to Colorado! (Not without a little car maintenance 1st...but such is life). In Colorado Springs we visited a Cracker Barrel. This was a 1st for me.
Can you tell that I had fun taking pictures in the store? I love their displays!

One night, we went out for a night on the town (Denver style, that is) :)

we also celebrated my birthday (a few days after the fact) at Maggiano's :) yum!
And I'll leave you with this video we took when it started to snow as we were leaving downtown Denver...I know, I'm such a nerd in it. But I still think it's a fun video.

Friday, November 26, 2010

On being thankful...and a roadtrip

Yesterday was Thanksgiving if you didn't know that :) And I'm still thankful today...for my freedom, this country, my family being together, for all the blessings that I've endlessly been given, for having a job, friends, health and so many more! I am so thankful and fortunate. (Of course that isn't to say that there are some things that happen that are unfortunate and I have to work on within myself to be thankful for...but nothing is ever perfect so isn't being thankful more of a choice and a posture of the heart?) Anyway, it was a lovely day. I spent it going to the beach with my two sisters for a walk. And besides a little bit of wind, Newport
Beach was gorgeous. Then my mom & I decided to see a movie. We watched Morning Glory,
and boy was it funny and it has a funny story and it ended so well. Then, my dad made all of us
taco's for dinner.
Delicious! If there's one thing my family does right, it's taco's :)

Then we all watched a movie together...well, everyone except Peanut that is. Who'd much rather be exploring the house seeing if there's any good mischief to get into.
I also had fun playing with my new camera (and so did my brother)

I'm currently in a hotel room in Albuquerque, New Mexico en route to Denver, Colorado. I'm helping my very good friend Stephanie move to Denver. Here's a sneak peak at our trip so far. Isn't our country just beautiful!

(p.s., can you find me in this picture?)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Cuteness Is Killing Me!

Ever have one of those lingering sicknesses? Well, I have this past week. It went from a coughto cold & cough to laryngitis. For the past 3 days I've sounded like the Godfather. I'm considering taking up singing "Smelly Cat" at local coffee shops. Not that long ago this evening I actuallystarted to get my voice back more. Hoping that some rest will do the trick to bring it back 100% tomorrow. Because of being sick, I had a pretty relaxed birthday. We even celebrated Thanksgiving on my birthday so we had a nice big turkey dinner. One of the biggest treats was that I got a new Canon SLR camera. I've been wanting one for quite some time, and since work has been really great lately I've been able to save and also use birthday money to get one. I love it. It's been so much fun. I just love photography. It's my way of being artistic. I'll leave y'all with some pictures from my first time using the camera. I can't even stand the cuteness of thisdog Chai! And I am so stoked at how the pictures are turning out!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

stream of consciousness

Lately, I've been wondering what to blog about...I guess for now this could be a stream of conscious post. I've been working a lot. And have actually had a lot of changes happening lately. Good changes for me. The likes of which I will probably write about in the future. But it's good.
I had a garage sale yesterday to benefit my India trip. I was able to make a decent amount of cash..but I left very, very tired and sore. My back is still hurting from all the lifting and carrying of 3 carloads of bags of boxes I transported ALL BY MYSELF. I'm thankful that my sister Cristina, and friends Kristi & Reny came to my rescue the day of. Anyway, I had gotten very little sleep last week because of working a lot and also because I was housesitting.
I've gotten a financial update on my trip support. Right now I've raised $835 out of $3500. It's always interesting to see how the trip finances turn out, so I keep praying and putting it out there! :) Here's a link to donate online to help ministries and the people of India I will be visiting.
Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and it's one of my favorite holidays because it's about giving thanks for all the blessings we have all while seeing the ones you love and eating delicious food to your hearts (and stomaches) content :)
I'm still recoperating from the last 2 weeks of busyness, and the garage sale so I should get to bed...but I still have a ton of things to do. One of which is unpack my large suitcase. haha

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ideas & Big Plans (and a cause near and dear to my heart)

It's been quite a busy few days for me here. One of those weeks where a lot happens in a short and condensed amount of time. Yesterday we had a India team training. It was one of the most impactful trainings because we showed a 15 minute trailer for the movie "Dalit's". It's a documentary that is still not out in theaters or on video yet; it's about the "untouchables" in India. A people group that is not even part of the caste system in India. They're so marginalized and in slavery today! Millions of people in the worst poverty, starving, homeless, jobless and neglected by people in the caste system at best...a lot of times they're abused, hurt and taken advantage of.
However, there are organizations that are making a difference. One of them is Harvest India. And I am very excited to tell you all about a special FREE art event called "Dalit" that is going to benefit the work Harvest India is doing. It's at Hurley headquarters in Costa Mesa and there is going to be amazing art for sale and raffles. All the art is focued on India. It's seriously going to be amazing! Hurley is allowing the benefit to be on their premises and is donating clothes and a customized surf board. There will also be free drinks, food and sweets. All the proceeds will go towards Harvest India. And, it's kid friendly as well! I'm so amazed by my former teammates, their heart, vision and drive. And how all this has been put together in such a huge way (ways where you just know God is at work)! I've decided to incorporate this as part of a birthday celebration for me because it's the day before my birthday. I love art, and the artist who will be presenting, love the cause, the people and want to invite everyone I know! :) Please, at least check out the info here & here!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Feels like ADD...also known as the time I was almost taken to jail

Feels like my head has been spinning a hundred different directions lately. So much to do, and so little time...and I keep getting sidetracked. For example, today I got up after a good nights sleep & had plans to run an errand before work. But then my tire busted (somehow) on the way to work. Major sidetrack. Then I was hoping to get home from work and actually be able to exercise but that didn't happen, because I worked later since I was late getting to work due to dealing with putting a spare tire on my car & then I had to go to a tire place and get a new tire after work before I had a meeting with other leaders going on the India trip. And then tonight, I was planning to be able to journal and gather my thoughts and have quiet time, but between peeking in at the election results my roommates are watching on TV, stressing about remembering everything I have to do, and getting unexpected phone calls from lovely friends I've also gotten sidetracked. Don't mind me...I'm just complaining about how sidetracked my day has been in blog form (and yet still not being productive). I'm going to try and actually accomplish a few more things before bed...and try to get a good nights sleep :)
I'll leave you with some of the funnies out of the mouths of kids I know (or just funny kid stories I have)
  • 4 year old boy I watch was sitting at a park picnic table finishing his lunch. I said out loud "Oh man, I forgot something in the car" (I think it was my phone or a toy he or his siblings wanted to play with). He says all serious and cute because he was really trying to help "whatch you need Brittani?"
  • I picked up the 4 year old boy & his sister from school on Friday, which was their class Halloween party. Sometimes we walk through the school office to get to the car because there's a really sweet lady who works in the office and she loves to see the kids. She gave them candies for Halloween. I told them it could be their one candy of the day but they had to eat it once they got buckled in the car. Man, they were the most cooperative and obedient kids walking to the car and getting in their seats. It was seriously the fastest they've ever gotten buckled and in their seats. Candy: it's kids kryptonite.
  • I was picking up a 5 year old boy (brother to the brother and sister mentioned above) from school and dropping his friend off at home. The 5 year old boy wanted to have a play date. But, because the friend lives in another part of the city closer to their school I told him we have to plan it for another day (because I was sure his mom didn't want to disrupt the other kids naps to pic him up in a few hours when I'd be done babysitting). He got upset and told me he was going to call the cops on me or take me to jail. Oh, the drama and priorities of the 5 year old brain. Makes you love 'em even more though :)

Friday, October 29, 2010


I crave music...need it. It's like an addiction I just can't kick (but a good addiction, nonetheless). :) Music is very powerful to my heart and my mind. Not only does it speak to me on an intellectual level and is such a brilliant way to get a message across or speak truth, but music also speaks to me on an emotional level. It has the ability to floor me & bring me to tears. It revitalizes me, encourages me. So much so that I can't really explain it in words. Even simply hearing a tune, any tune, can change a foul mood. Lately, these two songs have been the type that simultaneously kick my butt & bring me to tears, but also makes me feel like William Wallace preparing his troops as I get ready to go to India. I will leave you with the lyrics. Be inspired and blessed!

  • "God of Justice" by Tim Hughes:

God of Justice, Saviour to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Came to serve and not be served

And Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received now freely we will give

We must go, live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken, we must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action, we must go

Fill us up, send us out

To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in every way
Walking humbly before You God

You have shown us what You require
Freely we've received now freely we will give

We must go, live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken, we must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action, we must go

Fill us up, send us out
Fill us up, send us out
Fill us up, send us out Lord

To act justly, loving mercy
We must go, we must go
To the broken and the hurting
We must go, we must go

We must go, live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken, we must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action, we must go

Fill us up, send us out

  • "Jesus Our King" by Todd Proctor

You are the King upon the thrown, the angels now attend
Your sovereign will alone sustains the world we're in
You're the God of ages past, who was and is to come
You alone are first and last, You are the Holy One

Jesus our King, we lift You high
Be glorified, be glorified
Jesus our King, we bring our lives
To glorify you now and forever

You are the King who walked the earth in fragile flesh of man
Came to give the widow worth and touch the leper's hand
Knew the pain that was to come, Yet still endured the cross
That Your Fathers will be done, to seek and save the lost

Death could not defeat
The grave could not contain
You rose in victory, now in glory reign

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I was like, baby, baby, baby, oh

I've been thinking about this past week a lot, because it's been quite funny and interesting. It started off last Monday with me planning to get off work and see my wonderful friend Kristi. Little did I know that she got a new puppy spur of the moment that day. She was going to Starbucks on her lunch break and there was a lady selling a litter of these adorable puppies outside. Kristi had been wanting a puppy for a while and in thelitter of puppies was one that she just couldn't leave behind. Interweb, meet Chai!

She's half Pekingese, half Shih Tzu. Chai is the sweetest, most well mannered puppy; and she's the biggest love bug. I'm a proud aunt :) The funny thing is that while I was hanging out with Kristi, my little sister text me with a picture of her new kitten she had just gotten. So, again interweb I want you to meet someone. Here's Peanut:

I got to actually meet Peanut because my sister came down from Chico to surprise the family and show everyone the kitty. She got in really late Friday night, so she actually stayed at my apartment and then I drove her to our family's house and she surprise everyone there. Here's a video of it ;) (I know it's not very bright or HD, but I think you can get the surprise element)

Another really huge thing that happened this week was that I got published on Rage Against The Minivan about having Turner Syndrome. It was powerful for me to even post on a blog, and to know Kristen, who writes the blog. She is such an example to me and I am blessed to know her family and get to spend a good amount of time with them. They are seriously something special. It was also powerful to witness what has come out sharing the post...more than I could expect. So encouraging and I just know God is using it for good :)

On Friday, I had a free evening I had a free night and had wanted to visit my friends who just had a baby. They are dear friends of mine (April & Nick) and it was their first baby. April had a C-section so was going to be in the hospital & I figured that she could use some extra company. Their little girl Ella is so precious and beautiful. Look at that hair!

I also worked a lot this week as well! But, it's such a blessing to have the provision of work. But, my heart is full and I have a smile on my face from being able to spend quality time with people I love and to also be filled with love (baby love) :)

p.s., the title of this post is dedicated to Steph and Amanda (and Owen) :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Journey to India

My mission trip to India is approaching fast! And, if I'm honest I have a ways to go with raising support. I wanted to put this up on my blog again to see if anyone would want to partner in prayer and financially for my trip. Here's my letter again (with a correction...because I actually get back January 8th, 2011) and the link. (and you can also click the link on the side of my blog too :)

I have the exciting opportunity to share with you about my returning to India on another mission’s trip with ROCKHARBOR church! This will be my 3rd time going to India, and my second time as a leader for the trip. The Harvest India staff, and the people of India are very dear to my heart. Over the past several years, my relationship has grown closer with Harvest India staff-I even had the privilege of having Suresh, the President of Harvest India, celebrate the 4th of July with my family while he visited the U.S. this summer. I am continually amazed at the work they are doing to show the love of Christ and serve the untouchables in India. And I’ve had the privilege of being on the leadership team at Rockharbor for the past year and am excited about the team I am going to India with. Our team of 31 church members from Rockharbor will be traveling from December 26th,,2010 to January 8th,2011 During our trip we will be: helping provide villages with clean water wells with pure drinking water, giving food and medical aid to the poor, people with HIV/AIDS, and those considered untouchable, hosting a VBS for several hundred orphans, aiding the pastors in evangelist events to reach many villages with the hope of the Gospel and also giving support and hope for a better life to a local orphanage Rockharbor sponsors. Our first and most important support needed is prayer. We are asking for prayer: · For our team safety while traveling, and during our time in India · That we are spiritually prepared for any spiritual battles that may be encountered · That we may share the Gospel boldly & with the love that Our Savior Jesus has shown us · For unity, support, flexibility and compassion within our team · That people we meet will have hearts prepared to receive Jesus as their Lord & Savior, and One True God · That all the team members will be able to raise the financial support necessary to go · That the pastors, church planters and people of India will be encouraged and strengthened as followers of Christ. Secondly, there is a need for financial support if you feel called to also participate financially. I have committed to raise $3,500. If you would like to make a donation to my trip or know of others who would, please make donations payable to ROCKHARBOR Church. Please do not write my name or the country anywhere on the check. You may use the included return envelope, which is already addressed and indicates that the donation is for my trip. If you use your own envelope, please mail it to:
Attn: India/Brittani Ehrhorn
3080 Airway Ave. Suite A
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Please note that donations are tax deductible and are non refundable. All donations will go towards the overall cost of the trip, and any excess funds will first help to cover the team’s costs and secondly will be gifted to the ministry we are going to serve. Thank you all very much for your support of this ministry. I’m so blessed for you to be apart of it alongside me. Brittani Ehrhorn (…feel free to contact me if you have any questions)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

oh, poop!

So, in the last two weeks I've done a lot of babysitting. I've even done a few overnights one weekend. It all went well though...of course not without a few stories to tell. I warn you, there are no gory details but I will talk about bodily waste...I'm just sayin'.

One of the nights that I did an overnight, and I had made homemade pizza bagels. The kids loved 'em. I also let the kids have a tiny bit of ice cream (it seriously was a small portion size) afterwards because they ate well and also ate veggies. Of the four kids in the family I was sitting for, the 4 year old boy ate all his dinner plus an extra half of a pizza bagel. And boy, did he scarf down his Neapolitan ice cream I let him have. I got the kids in the bath, got them dressed in PJ's and relaxing in the living room. Then, the 4 year old boy threw up on the couch. Literally, it was one second he was smiling and laughing with no signs off feeling ill, and the next he upchucked his dinner. I quickly got a "throw up bowl" and took him into the bathroom. He finished throwing up as we got to the bathroom (I was sort of amazed and proud that he used the throw up bowl, btw). Luckily the couch cushion was the only thing that got touched with throw up, and it was removable so I took it off and washed it. I kept the little guy up for about 10 minutes and he was seeming really tired and groggy. I couldn't tell if he was really sick or ate to fast and/or the food didn't settle well with him. So, I put him to bed with the throw up bucket with confidence that he knew how to use it. Because he shared a room with his brother, I used a portable kids mattress in the house and had him sleep in my room with me. I went to bed a couple hours later and he hadn't thrown up or gotten up. Seemed good. He ended up sleeping through the night. I was relieved for him and happy it didn't turn to be anything worse. I heard him starting to wake up at about 7 in the morning and I woke up too. I asked him if he wanted to snuggle and he said yes (I figured if he hadn't been feeling good he'd want some affection or a hug that he'd normally get from his mom or dad). So he hopped into the bed I was sleeping on and we hugged and snuggled. He turned and looked at me and I asked him if he felt "good or yucky"? He said "good!". It's hard to explain at that moment the exact feeling I felt, but it was somewhere along the lines of what it would feel like to be a proud mama for him feeling better and me doing my best to handle the situation as well as comfort him the best I could, and also being thankful this sweet little boy was feeling better because I saw his little personality shine through again in that moment. :) What I was probably feeling was joy.
Another funny story from that week: I was babysitting a little girl who was having problems going to the bathroom. Her mom asked me to not feed her certain things and make sure she ate other things. And she also asked to let her know if there was any "movement". After the little girls nap, she did go to the bathroom. So, after she was done etc., I texted her mom "S went poo! It was rounds, but it was a good amount". Now, before you come to any conclusions about me or this text, please be advised that I knew the mom would text me back and ask for details so I included them to begin with. About an hour goes by and the mom didn't text me back, which I thought was unusual. So, I check my text and low and behold I text the wrong person that same message. Holy backpedal Batman! Luckily, the person I sent it to was a 1) mother, and 2)just about 2-3 weeks earlier had the same problems with her daughter too. Needless to say, the three of us all had a good laugh about it.

Hopefully these stories didn't gross you out too much, and were entertaining. All these things begin to make me feel like I have a lot of notches on my "mom belt" and I don't even have kids of my own. Haha. It's all preparation then, I guess :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

hard work now pays off later...

I've been trying forever to write a post! Wouldn't it be nice if it just wrote itself? I mean really? :) There is a lot going on in many different areas of my life. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Work, friendships, family, and also working on myself. You know when there are times in your life when some personally difficult things come up, and you have to take care of them. You can't shove them under the rug; you just can't. Just gotta deal with cleaning up what's dirty. It's a time of growing and maturing. It's not easy, but it only leads to healthiness and only benefits me in the long run.

For example, I have a new part time job and I want to be the best that I can be at it. But, that requires a good amount on my part to actually be intentional and do it well. Or, there's been a period of time this summer where my schedule was absolute madness and unorganized stress for me. So, I took control of it and now I'm not stressed by it. Or, learning/realizing that I have never had a good example of being financially wise, managing my money well and saving. To the extent where it's kinda (moderately) slapped me in the face and convicted me to want to do better and get out of that cycle. With the advice of my good friend as well as my roommate, I am getting (what I like to call) "financially buff". Also, I cannot begin to express how simply amazing my roommates are! Seriously amazing! They are looking out for me, have my best interest at heart, are so insightful, believe in me, love me, seek the Lord so much, are so wise, refreshing, have so much discernment and have helped me in so many ways lately. In such a way that blows my mind, and leaves me feeling like I know that they are in my life for a reason and they are so right in tune with God, and God is using them to speak into my life. One other thing that's been working on is getting accountability for getting my butt in gear for grad school an really making progress with being able to meet all the requirements. (Thanks Tselane!)

There is a lot of refining and big things and foundational things happening in my heart, and I am always encouraged during times like these and thankful for all the ways that God is so present in my life personally.

Saturday, October 2, 2010's what I need :)

Hi y'all! :) I hope you're having a fabulous Saturday. There's been some rain here, but it's made for a great day :) A low key one, definitely but also productive. I know that I've mentioned about my trip to India here. I also wanted to share with you how to give online to support my trip. And I also wanted to post my support letter. Thank you all for reading!

here's the link to my online giving page at

Hi friends and familly,

I have the exciting opportunity to share with you about my returning to India on another mission’s trip with ROCKHARBOR church! This will be my 3rd time going to India, and my second time as a leader for the trip. The Harvest India staff, and the people of India are very dear to my heart. Over the past several years, my relationship has grown closer with Harvest India staff-I even had the privilege of having Suresh, the President of Harvest India, celebrate the 4th of July with my family while he visited the U.S. this summer. I am continually amazed at the work they are doing to show the love of Christ and serve the untouchables in India. And I’ve had the privilege of being on the leadership team at Rockharbor for the past year and am excited about the team I am going to India with.

Our team of 31 church members from Rockharbor will be traveling from December 26th,,2010 to January 9th,2011 During our trip we will be: helping provide villages with clean water wells with pure drinking water, giving food and medical aid to the poor, people with HIV/AIDS, and those considered untouchable, hosting a VBS for several hundred orphans, aiding the pastors in evangelist events to reach many villages with the hope of the Gospel and also giving support and hope for a better life to a local orphanage Rockharbor sponsors.

Our first and most important support needed is prayer. We are asking for prayer:

· For our team safety while traveling, and during our time in India

· That we are spiritually prepared for any spiritual battles that may be encountered

· That we may share the Gospel boldly & with the love that Our Savior Jesus has shown us

· For unity, support, flexibility and compassion within our team

· That people we meet will have hearts prepared to receive Jesus as their Lord & Savior, and One True God

· That all the team members will be able to raise the financial support necessary to go

· That the pastors, church planters and people of India will be encouraged and strengthened as followers of Christ.

Secondly, there is a need for financial support if you feel called to also participate financially. I have committed to raise $3,500. If you would like to make a donation to my trip or know of others who would, please make donations payable to ROCKHARBOR Church. Please do not write my name or the country anywhere on the check. You may use the included return envelope, which is already addressed and indicates that the donation is for my trip. If you use your own envelope, please mail it to: ROCKHARBOR Church. Attn: India/Brittani Ehrhorn

3080 Airway Ave. Suite A

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Please note that donations are tax deductible and are non refundable. All donations will go towards the overall cost of the trip, and any excess funds will first help to cover the team’s costs and secondly will be gifted to the ministry we are going to serve.

Thank you all very much for your support of this ministry. I’m so blessed for you to be apart of it alongside me.

Brittani Ehrhorn

(…feel free to contact me if you have any questions)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

you put a smile on my face (make the world a better place)

So, I have been completely and utterly busy lately...but in such a good way! I won't lie though, I am going to be needing some rest soon :) I know it will come soon! Anyway, one of the reasons I need rest is because of how stinking hot it's been in Orange County. It's just a few days before October and it's been hitting 90'F. Not right people...not right at all! Anyway, I'm thankful for air conditioning and I know I'm spoiled to have it. Well, I haven't done this in a while and I've been able to get a few great kid quotes lately, so I will leave you with them! I hope you are all having a great week, and staying cool out there!
  • I was going outside with a 2 year old boy I sit for and sneezed. I said "excuse me". He then asks "do you know why you sneeze?". I said "well, I sneeze a lot when I first walk outside and in the sun". Then he says "No, you sneeze when you eat too much"... I don't know what food he's eating ... :)
  • I take 4 kids home from after school 3 days a week...on our way home I usually take a route that passes a McDonalds...with four kids in the car. For the past 3 weeks each time we pass (or even get near it) the kids yell "turn here, turn here. It's McDonald's!" for 2 miles before and after the establishment. I laugh because I still haven't taken them to get an after school snack there (and I feel slightly mean for not taking them...but people, it'd mess up and make us late for nap time and getting me to my other jobs), but also because I would literally do the same thing when I was little. Except it wouldn't just be McD's...I'd know all the fast food places and hope my mom would turn into one before we got home.
  • was taking a pair of 3 year old boy and girl to school with their 18 month old sister. The 3 year old girl did something to her brother where I told her she needed to apologize. She yelled "I'm soorryy". I said that wasn't the right way to say it and I would like her to retry using a nice voice. And then the 18 month old chimes in saying "E-ahh, sorry" (E-ahh is how she pronounces her sisters name). I just had to laugh. The little one was bossing her older sister around and at the same time trying to imitate me. She's got spunk and sass :)
  • I had to stop by my house while I was babysitting because I left my phone there. The mom I was sitting for said it was okay. (It was on our way to where I was taking the kids.) I had the kids mentioned above (two 3 year olds and a 18 month old). They came into my house and found my room and all of them crawled on my bed and laid down (shoes on and everything). It was cute :)
p.s., anyone recognize the lyrics that are in my title? :) I know, I know. I love songs and music, I just can't help it! :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sleeping Soundly (An Ode to Fall)

I love Fall. Today is the first day of the season...and it's such a wonderful one. It warms my heart. It means back to school. It means change. It holds the days when I can sip a Chai Tea Latte or curl up with a blanket to watch a movie, actually wear a warm coat, feel a crispness in the air, eat yummy soup, wear closed toed shoes a little more often and see glimpses of leaves changing color. There are also the beautiful holidays! :) Halloween, Thanksgiving...and of course my birthday (just in case you were wondering) :)
But, do you want to know why I am loving the Fall so much right now? Because of the glorious sleep that it brings me. I know, sleep is a weird reason to like Fall. Let me explain. I love sleeping where it's very dark, and with the temperature being slightly cooler. And lately, these conditions have been perfect. So, I've been getting good nights rest and actually sleeping in. I normally have a problem being able to go back to sleep if I happen to wake up early for some reason (no matter what time I go to bed, I wake up early). Lately, though, I've been like a bear hibernating and I sleep right on through until my alarm goes off. Heck, this weekend I even slept in until 9am on Sunday! It took me a few days to adjust to the Fall weather, but now I am loving it (and the great sleep it is bringing me). So, here's to you Fall! Hope you are all enjoying it to!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

in the clear

I guess that there was some problems with my blog design. The website I got it at couldn't have all the html codes anymore. But I was able to upload a file with the code on it. And I had no idea about this because I hadn't checked my blog in a few days. Anyway, sorry if any of my (few) readers couldn't read/get to my posts. It's all better now...and I thought it was time to change up the design so I did :) And look, I blogged twice in 1 week! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

What's been going on/update/stream of consciousness

Wowzers...It's been about 3 weeks since my last post. Where has the time gone? There is definitely a lot that has been going on in my life...but what's new. I'm excited about it all though :)

I've been getting even more involved with India ministries now that our December team has met each other, and things are picking up with the trip. But seriously, the group of women that I'm coaching/shepherding through the trip are such a blessing to get to know, are amazing Christ followers, are so fired up about going & are such a great dynamic together (we have a college student, a special education therapist/teacher, a lawyer and an engineer--and then me, the nanny/student). They are a wonderful bunch, and I'm having so much fun with them and getting to know them and all prepare to go on this trip together. For example, I had my first meet up with one of the girls on Monday of this week and we hiked for 2.5 hours but the time went by so fast and we had such good conversations and I'm so glad to have learned more about the people I'm shepherding. I've also been amazed at how awesome the leadership team is (in general) & how great we are coming along planning for this trip and working together. I've said it already, but it's been a joy and a blessing to be in ministry with the leadership team (those actually going on the trip as well as those staying "on base" at home). These are partially the reasons that I have not been posting because I have been busy
with these things and have been trying to be intentional with the relationships & community in my know, the real life people kind ;) ...nothing against the world wide web communities/friends, because I love that too :)

This past (Labor Day weekend) has also been a blast...and consisted of a little something I like to call the "away-cation" (to be said like "vacation" except take away the "vay" and substitute "away"). It was absolutely lovely :) My friend Stephanie was going to be in L.A. to house/cat sit for her brother & friend Cynthia was going to be in the production of Ragtime in L.A. on Saturday night. It was a match made in heaven. Stephanie and I left Orange County in the late morning on Saturday and made it to beautiful Playa Vista in time to soak up some sun at the relaxing pool (I even took a cat nap and read some of the book "No Mercy"!!) and also go to the cute/small but totally awesome farmers market. Then we went to dinner and saw Ragtime. It was a delight to see Cynthia perform so well in it, as well as watch a great play. Anyway, we spent the night in L.A. and the next morning went on a walk to Loyola Marymount University (which was only about a seven minute walk from Stephanie's brother's place). It was a little interesting and brought up some interesting emotions to walk the campus because I was suppose to go there for my undergraduate education....but I digress. Here are some pictures
just to show you for fun :)

Another thing that has been happening lately is some family stuff. My aunt (my moms sister) was in a car accident Aug 30th. She was pulling into her town-home complex making a left hand turn because the oncoming traffic was stopped and was also letting her through, but a car came speeding by in the side of the right lane and hit her. She actually has no physical injuries/scrapes/bruises, but she is however paralyzed on the left side of her body. All the scans/tests show no brain damage and that there is nothing "wrong" so to speak. In the last week and a half she's made a lot of progress and can move her face, toes, shoulder and elbow on her left side. She also gotten little nerve impulses in her back and can sometimes move her whole left arm, but has yet to move her left leg. Yesterday she got moved from the hospital to a rehabilitation center. She had a pretty good day there today and it's suppose to be this intensive and very helpful rehab center, so we are so thankful for that. As all this has been taking place, I have really strongly felt the need/call for prayer. So, will you join me in prayer for my aunt? I know that it is only because of the prayer that has happened thus far that her body has had the restoration thus far. Pray for healing on her left side, and specifically arms and legs. God is alive and His power is in full force. I know this because I've been witness to other big healings that have happened in the name of Jesus Christ within the last few weeks. Thank you, and I will keep you all updated! :)

Well, thanks y'all for reading this lengthy post, but I hope that it satisfied your reading pleasures :) And I promise, I won't wait so long to write again!

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's a start! :)

A little victory on my side of the blogosphere :) I actually am writing a post in less than two weeks after my last one. Man oh man, it's been a crazy week. I am amazed though at how much God has provided tremendously. I've had a good amount of extra time off this week and was a little worried about I'd be able to make up the work that I was missing; and amazingly my schedule became filled with plenty of work. Also, I've been having an awesome experience with the India Ministries. Awesome time planning for the December trip, awesome to have a community in the ministry of serving India, awesome to meet together to pray and worship our Maker, and I'm learning and growing a lot by participating in this ministry & growing close with people you are doing ministry with and speaking into each others lives.

It's also been interesting because since the last time I blogged, I haven't been able to register for classes to finish my pre-req's for grad school. I'm's not fun to go through this tons of times. Feels like I'm a hamster that keeps spinning in it's wheel not really going anywhere. A couple friends of mine have encouraged me to look for options out of state--specifically the Pacific Northwest because it doesn't seem (very tempting Steph & Ashley, very tempting :)

Onward and upward...I have had some time the past week or two to begin reading a book that I am very excited about. I'm excited about it because a dear friend of mine (who is also my roommate since April) is very involved and invested in this book. It's written by her mentor and very good and dear friend. She is also basically the Publicist for this book...however, this is all done by volunteering her time. Because the author as well as the group of people involved with the making/publicity of this believe in spreading the message of this book that much, what they believe can be done through this book, and because of the impact the writer of the book (Preston Gillham) has had on their lives. It's been so rewarding to even hear/witness all of this firsthand. I've started reading the book and am impressed. But, I would love for you all who read my blog to read it for yourselves. Here's the website to the book, where you can also download a FREE (!!!) digital copy! Amazing! For the link to the free electronic copy or info about the book and author click here or click on the image below. I will definitely be writing more about the book as I "chew" on it more and also get more into the meat of the book as I'm sure I'll have some things I've gotten from it and would love to share (and also hear from you if any of you'd like to read it as well and discuss it with me! I think that'd be awesome!!!)
For lack of better words of my own, here's the books synopsis:

No Mercy is a sweeping adventure of life, love, trust, and desire—an odyssey asserting that real life is more than meets the eye.

Hank Henderson thought he was going on vacation to Montana, but his brother had something else in mind. Hank’s life soon dangles on the precipice of disaster.

Disoriented. Injured. His resources depleted, Hank is caught between powerful forces. One is dark, aggressive, and powerful. The other, of questionable integrity, appears Hank’s only option for freedom.

From his placid fishing of Malden Creek into a dungeon of double-dealing, Hank crosses swollen rivers, scales blizzard strewn heights, and discovers more than he bargained for in an unlikely ally.

His hope dependent upon a hesitant trust, Hank gambles to emerge from
a transformed person.

Many blessings!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This is just about one of the best stories ever (well, for me at least). While I'm telling you this story, just picture the band Switchfoot and feel free to put in your favorite band ever. That is the correct context of how awesome this was for me :)
I'm on twitter (if you actually go to my blog website, you'll see this), and one of the twitter accounts I follow is my favorite local radio station 98.7. I've found it very useful to follow music artists, radio stations, clothing stores etc online. They give away free stuff, have special discounts on things and much more. On Tuesday night last week, I was dogsitting and doing schoolwork on my computer. I go and look at my twitter page to see that 2 minutes prior 98.7 posted that whoever calls in and knows the lyrics to any Switchfoot song can win meet and greet passes at the US Open in Huntington Beach. It was about 10:30 at night and I have had some experience winning things on the radio before (such as Las Vegas accommodations, 4 annual passes to Magic Mountain...) so I thought I might actually have a chance because not very many people are listening to the radio right now, also not very many people who follow 98.7 on twitter would be checking their twitter right then, and the twitter post was only 2 minutes old. Anyway, I called up and got through and won! I was jumping up and down, and so excited! I tried to keep my expectations in check because the DJ doesn't really tell you anything about the things the radio station is giving away, he/she simply tapes you for the recording of the winning and then takes down your info for the promotions department to call you. I've been to the fan club meet and greets before where you go through a line and simply say hi to the band, take pictures and move along. I thought it would be the same. I was still soooo excited, because the last Switchfoot concert that I went to I didn't get to go to the meet and greet because it was in their hometown before their big Bro AM surf competition and so many fans come to the concert and meet and greet, and it didn't seem worth it to pay the money to get the meet and greet passes.

Flash forward to Wednesday evening. I knew that the Switchfoot concert was the next day at 4:30. I'm wondering if the meet and greet is before or after the concert, and if I could somehow make arrangements to get off babysitting early if the meet and greet was early. I get a call from the radio station saying that the meet and greet is at the beautiful Shorebreak Hotel and it's before the concert and I have to be there at 3:15. Ok, time to start planning. I am about to call the family I sit for when they text message me saying that their schedule has totally changed and being able to leave at 3 would work perfectly. I can hear the hallelujah chorus...and all because the concert/event is literally in the neighboring city next to where I live and work! So, my friend Stephanie & I get to the hotel and find out that the band will be playing some songs for us. We walk towards the elevators and see Jon & Drew from the band and ride the elevator with them and talk with them. We get to the suite where we're all gonna be hanging out, and there are only about 8-10 other people there! And we're all hanging outside on the balcony that overlooks the ocean...then Jon & Drew just start playing for us. Right in front of us! It was awesome. And then, one of the radio station employees had asked us to switch seats at the beginning because we were sitting where he wanted the guys to sit. But he told us to "come get him afterwards and I'll hook you up". I thought, "sure, ok...whatever. They'll give me a t-shirt or something". As we leave, Steph says "I'm gonna go see what the guy is gonna hook us up with". And let me tell you, I'm glad she did. He gave us backstage passes to watch Switchfoot during their free US Open concert. And Steph & I weren't going to go because we need that it would be way to crowded by the time we could make it there (since it was the US Open and was already a madhouse, and because it was free). It was so awesome! Just about the best (Switchfoot) day ever! :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

stream of consciousness post & the funny things kids say!

what a crazy two weeks...I've been really busy with working, school, being apart of India ministries, family birthdays & a little hiccup with my car. But, I am amazed at how God has put things in my path to make me stop & depend, seek and rely on Him. And also, how wonderfully God has provided. He is amazing! School is going well. I'm taking a nutrition class that I'm enjoying a lot. Lots of cool things are happening...I am able to see so many ways that God is working in my life.
Something very cool things that happened this week was celebrating my dad's birthday on Friday; and after we got home to my parents house my dad wanted to go for a walk around the neighborhood. I wanted to go with's always fun to walk and chat with my dad (especially on a a lovely evening, and on his birthday none-the-less). He is so awesome to talk to, and just gets you fired up! I left encouraged, stretched & on fire at the same time.
Also, last Sunday I was volunteering videotaping the sermons. After the 7pm service, this good looking young man with an English accent comes up to "The Booth" (the back of the church where the cameras are and music mixing equipment etc.) and introduces himself as a pastor from South Africa who is in the States for 6 weeks meeting with churches to gain knowledge/wisdom for his own church in S.A.; He had all kinds of questions about how the services are put together and organized and planned etc. He was so enthusiastic and wanting to seek knowledge. We also talked about South Africa and how I have two friends there right now with an organization called Bridges of Hope, and he knew about it. I also told him about an dear English teacher I had who was born & raised in S.A. and would travel back every year. And there were several times she would speak Afrikaans to us in class. She was an exceptional teacher who I have lots of memories about her class. It just so happens that the person who is in charge of the weekend services (Jen) had just come back to the Booth...she is normally so busy that she doesn't do that, or she isn't at the 7pm service. I took a chance and introduced the two of them to each other. We talked for a while more and I could tell we were all excited & the S.A. guy was so humble & so awesome to talk with. After he left, Jen thanked me for pulling her aside to talk with him, and we both though it was totally God that all that happened. It was so cool to be used by God in that situation, and to be apart of seeing how big He is!
Well, I will leave you all with some funny kid quotes:

  • a 5 year old girl I sit for is very witty and spunky...I was helping her get ready for bed and wash her hair and when I was going to rinse out conditioner and told her to "look up at the sky". She immediately said "it's not the sky, it's the ceiling". The next time I helper her wash her hair, she said the same thing. She'll correct me every time I say "look up at the sky", so now I just say "look up at the ceiling".
  • a 2 year old little girl & 5 year old her sister were telling each other they were pretty at the dinner table and then asking if they thought other people were pretty (their mom, grandma & friends etc). Half-way during dinner the 5 year old was upset about having to eat a quesadilla with beans. The 3 yr old looks over at her sister and says "sister, it's okay. You're pretty". It was her little way of saying don't worry sister. Don't sweat it.
  • the 5 yr old mentioned above was talking to me about her friends dog. I ask what kind of dog it is. She says "I can't remember. It's either a really small Chihuahua, or a bull dog" thoughts were "that clears things up" :)
  • one last one :) ... the 5 year old again, was playing and her 3 year old sister took something of hers and she gets upset and says "you can't play with that! It's from Marshall's and it's special"

Friday, July 16, 2010

A great cause, great deal, and great tee's!!!! Get your Haiti tee's!

Friends of mine (who I've mentioned before on this blog) are selling tees to help fundraise for their sons adoption...they are able to receive a grant for support they raise, but they haven't met their goal yet! So, they are selling their tees at half price! They're great tees. I have 2 myself & love them! Lets support this awesome family, awesome cause & awesome little boy who has been adopted! :) Also, if you live close to me I can save you on shipping by getting your shirt for you and we can plan to meet up & I can give it to you (because I sit for this family throughout the week).

Here's their post from their here or on the photos for the t-shirt shop link:

Okay, internet friends. Now is your chance. We are having a major - MAJOR - sale on our Haiti tees. Special price, just for you!



a) Our matching grant from Running for Orphans ends in ONE WEEK and we are still under our goal.
b) We might have ordered a few too many t-shirts.
c) I would like to allow the children back into the garage without fear of them being crushed by the T-Shirt Boxes Tower of Doom.

So . . . $10 a shirt. Pretty much at-cost, because these things aren't doing anybody any good in our garage. Much better that they be on YOU - reminding people to continue supporting Haiti.


Her nickname is Nina....and she's my older sis :) She's loving, caring, fun, beautiful, talented, creative, smart and a no non-sense kind of lady. She's definitely a combo of both my mother & father...take it or leave it :) She's the first born of our little (but kinda big) family, as well as the first grandchild on both sides of the family. Sometimes we butt heads because we're different in a lot of ways (though we definitely don't butt heads as often compared to when we were younger). But we both know how much we love each matter what. It's been fun to share a house together for a little while this year, and share a time when both of our best friends ask us to be in their weddings taking place this year. Hope that this year is filled with lots of fun, growth & even more blessings & joy than the last. LOVE YA SIS!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cheers (to friends and many blessings)!!!!!

It's been a while since I've last posted...I don't want it to be like that. Nope. I like to be able to write & have a conversation about things going on in my life, to keep people updated & have a little fun while doing so. And at times, being able to do all those things moves from being a higher priority, to the lowest priority.
A perfect example of this is when I am in finals week of an intense 6 week summer session, and I'm in a wedding the weekend of finals week, and when my car breaks down on the way to the wedding in the desert (not "middle-of-nowhere" desert, but desert nonetheless and an hour and a half away from my house). Needless to say, it all worked out. I was out of a car for a week and then a wonderful, lovely & generous couple who I am lucky enough to call friends came to my rescue and let me borrow their car (because the husband is in a band & touring Europe for a month. You know, nothing big). I only needed their car as a loaner car for about a week because my parents neighbor (who is especially skilled in cars) did all kinds of tests on my car and concluded that all my car needed was a new thermostat. When I took it to Pep Boys they said my head gasket needed to be replaced and a few other expensive things that was going to cost $1800-$2000...insane! (I normally don't get worked up about things, but I am seriously so tempted to somehow contact Pep Boys & let them know I'm unhappy about their diagnosis of my car & that I had to pay $ for them to look at it and diagnose it completely wrong!). I'm so glad that I waited to get a second opinion. I am seriously amazed at the community that I am surrounded by! The week that I was carless, my mom drove me around as well as my sisters and couple of my good friends. I even had a friend who seriously absolutely rocks take a project to school for me on the last day. She drove out of her way to go to my school, and then also went in and gave my professor the project. Then, to have friends let me borrow their car, and also have another friend fix it! Wow! God is so good, and has blessed me with good friends! And, I've also had so many families I sit for offer to drive me and also try to find a loaner car for me! Thank you everyone! :)
Anyway, that chaos seems to be over. I am so thankful for it working out and God providing so much! Currently, I am working a good amount but finances are really tough right now (between 2 weddings I've been in, dealing with car stuff, paying for classes & books & parking permits, and not working as much because I had class), so if you could all be praying God continues to provide and allow me to be in a good place financially. Also, pray that my car continues to work well with the new thermostat, and that it really is what the issue was.
On one more note, I am so pumped about the India ministry that I am apart of. God really has put India on my heart and I am so blessed to be apart of it, and to be in a community of people who want to serve in the India ministry as well. And I feel like I am really just beginning to get to know everyone and grow even deeper and make great friendships! We are currently conducting interviews for the December trip & have a lot of great people who are wanting to go! It's going to be a great team & a great trip!

Many blessings! XOXOXOXO