Monday, June 28, 2010

Putting it out there

So, I had quite an eventful weekend the past couple of days...going to my friends wedding that I was in, my car overheated & needs some major repairs (or I need a new car)...this sums it's hard for me to put this out there; but if anyone is willing to help, or know anyone who could would you be so kind as to let me know???

I am in a need of a loaner car for any length of time in the next few weeks. My car literally broke down & overheated in Victorville this weekend and I can't get repairs done just yet due to costliness of it. Is anyone able to loan me a car (a spare car or a car if you're out of town for any time). I'd be so grateful and willing to compensate somehow

Thursday, June 17, 2010

They got nothing on you baby

So, on my brothers birthday last month I took him to his youth group (because his birthday was on a Sunday) and hung out with him afterwards (which included taking him to his favorite restaurant Wingnuts). During that time, I got this jewel. Folks, this is why I love my brother. He takes control of the radio in any car he is in, and finds a good song he feels he can dance to. :) Never a dull moment with my Bubba. I love him so! (p.s., we were basically at a stop light for most of the video, and the other half I was paying attention to driving and just holding my camera out. p.s.s., don't mind me and trying to say something clever...couldn't even spit out "break your moves out") :)

Conversations with a 5 year old put a smile on my face

These are little morsels of funny goodness that I remembered from a conversation with an adorable 5 year old I babysit for (I will call her "H")

H:Will you ever have children? 
Me: Yeah, probably that I can watch her, right? Because I really only like to play with girls

H's mom was expecting a baby.  H had already named it "raindrop", and would not even speak of it being a boy.  To her, there was no way the baby would be anything but a girl.

H & I were sitting at the dinner table as she was eating dinner.  It was a big window that looks the backyard.  H started to make up this story about how there's a hummingbird living in an orange tree in her backyard and says"she Is a healthy bird who had healthy babies. We had a doctor look at her".  And remember, her mom was expecting a baby.  Funny girl :)

p.s... I changed my layout.  What do you think? 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Washington D.C. picture post

If you couldn't tell, I am currently taking classes and also been busy working a lot.  Both of these things mean that I have no time to blog.  So sad, I know.  I like's such a unique process to write and formulate my own thoughts and to actually sit down in order to do all that.  Of course, I'd also like to have more people viewing my blog/getting feedback but c'est la vie...even if it's for my own enjoyment it still serves a good purpose.  Anyway, I have some more posts I will publish soon.  But first I wanted to share about my trip to Washington D.C.
Getting to D.C. and back home proved to be a chore (to say the least).  Once Stephanie & I got there it was quite the city though.  It really isn't that big of a city, and yet it is so rich in beautiful architecture, land & history.  It seems like you can almost never run out of things to do there.  In the 3 days we had there we got to do a lot.  I personally had a wonderful time, even considering the heat and humidity.  Here's what Steph & I did: visit the National Cathedral, National Air & Space Museum, the Vietnam War, WWII & Korean War Memorials, the Washington, Lincoln & FDR Monuments, Arlington National Cemetery, Georgetown, National Gallery of Art, tour the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts and the Capital.  Oh yeah, and also view the White House (from the outside).  If you couldn't tell, I love American History (just for fun, I took at least 3 history courses in college.  That was after A.P. US History in high school) :)

This is a very poor picture quality image...however, this is the "we've been trying to get the D.C. for 10+ hours and now we're finally making it" smile :)

Here are some pics of the Capital:

one of the 1st US Senate rooms

And some pics of the National Air & Space Museum

(oh yeah, and did I tell you I know how to fly?  Let me know if you'd like me to take you anywhere!)