Thursday, June 17, 2010

Conversations with a 5 year old put a smile on my face

These are little morsels of funny goodness that I remembered from a conversation with an adorable 5 year old I babysit for (I will call her "H")

H:Will you ever have children? 
Me: Yeah, probably that I can watch her, right? Because I really only like to play with girls

H's mom was expecting a baby.  H had already named it "raindrop", and would not even speak of it being a boy.  To her, there was no way the baby would be anything but a girl.

H & I were sitting at the dinner table as she was eating dinner.  It was a big window that looks the backyard.  H started to make up this story about how there's a hummingbird living in an orange tree in her backyard and says"she Is a healthy bird who had healthy babies. We had a doctor look at her".  And remember, her mom was expecting a baby.  Funny girl :)

p.s... I changed my layout.  What do you think? 

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