Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A little less than 4 days away!

Here are some things going on...some good things
  • I am in full force India mode...finally. I got my (huge) luggage out of the garage along w/ my sari's and punjabbies and getting set to go!
  • Yesterday I got fitted for my bridesmaid dress for Lauren's wedding and we ordered the dressed. They're very cute (and getting into one has made me want to loose weight)
  • I feel like I've been going a little crazy still like a chicken w/ its head cut off; but I'm not feeling like that too much lately, and I'm holding on and am so close to the finish line. It really is hard to tie up loose ends and get everything done when you're going to a foreign country for 2 weeks. :)
  • Yesterday, some people from the team got together and prayed over a lot of aspects about the trip and specific prayer requests from each member of the team. It was so great to be in prayer together
  • I am so excited about this trip!...with the last thing mentioned, I was sick and am feeling better (thanks to prayer and the Lord!)
  • I got the most recent update about an hour and a half ago and I am now at 68% done! Woo hoo!
  • I'm excited to see family for Christmas! It'll be awesome
  • The British Airways strike isn't happening! Woo hoo!
  • I've really been in the Christmas spirit (something that's a big step for me in the past years!)

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