Monday, April 27, 2009

RH Team India: The Reunion...

Yesterday was the reunion/debriefing for the March India team.  I had a great time seeing everyone again.  And we got to watch some video footage of the trip, which brought back good memories.  The leaders talked about how Suresh will be coming to the US in June and there's gonna be a good amount of opportunity for us to help out in lots of ways (including driving him around).  I'm hoping to be able to help!  And the December 2009 trip is in the works and I really hope to be able to go!  One thing that I've realized is that it's been amazing to be able to talk to so many people about the trip, have my blog get read, and have real answers about Harvest India's work.  Another thing is that I really loved it there and when everyone was talking about how they had such a great time, but it is nice to come home, I was thinking "really, I felt so right and in place there.  I didn't feel like I exactly wanted to come home".  lol.  Go figure.  Well, that's all folks.  I'd love to hear from you, and if you have any questions post a comment and I'd love to answer it or give you any more info about the trip or HI or India!  God bless!