Saturday, January 16, 2010

more pictures! yay!!!!

The 1st picture is me sharing scripture before we passed out food to a very poor village in India. I shared about how the "good Samaritan" helped the man who was hurt...and how Jesus said "it's the sick who need a doctor". And I told them we are their neighbors from America (because in the good Samaritan story Jesus said to "love thy neighbor". I know it sounds cheesy but I wanted to show we care and that we are connected. Then a picture of the whole team (32 of us). And orphans doing crafts at VBS. Hena (and yes, that's my hand...I know it's so difficult to tell whether or not it's an Indian womans hand...haha :) The orphans in their uniforms. The elderly women. Passing out food to the poor. And also me blessing a clean water well before I cut the ribbon off. ;)

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